Pillow fight

Houses into Homes started, in early 2018, with a plan to provide beds for children in the Iowa City schools who didn’t have one. We’ve grown far beyond that, to providing beds, furniture and any other items a household needs. Our priority still remains making sure that anyone who needs a bed gets a comfortable place to sleep as soon as possible. In 2020, we provided nearly 350 beds, and every bed we give comes with a set of sheets, pillowcases, a blanket or comforter, and a brand new bed pillow.

350 is a lot of pillows, and last fall, we ran out! It wasn’t for long, though, because another one of our remarkable student volunteers, Riley, organized our second annual Pillow Fight and collected over 400 pillows before the end of the year! We appreciate everyone who bought pillows to support Riley’s cause. A special thanks to the Liberty Lightning Baseball Club, too, for contributing a large number of those pillows (over 100!) during their Giving Tuesday drive.

Organizing a collection drive is a great way to help us turn empty living spaces into comfortable homes! Let us know you’re interested by emailing us at volunteer@housesintohomes.org! Our list of most-needed items changes regularly, but there are some things that we can always use more of, like pots and pans, baking sheets, and shower curtains/liners!

Lucy Barker