Our truck!

Hey, friends! We have a beautiful, new, *safe box truck of our very own! Sending a HUGE thank-you to the dozens of individuals who helped us crowdfund nearly $10,000 in two weeks. Another tremendous note of appreciation to the Martin Family Foundation, for matching those contributions. And one more very big shoutout of gratitude to our sponsors who financially support our work in big ways—it is an honor to have Houses into Homes listed alongside your trusted, invaluable local businesses on our truck! Our very first delivery in our wrapped truck was to a a wonderful family, whose 12 and 14 year-old boys helped move their beds inside. One of them asked us if we work for all of the companies on the side of our truck. We explained to him all of the business logos have significantly financially supported us, and that without them, we could not continue our work. He responded, “Wow, I can’t believe that many businesses care if we have beds to sleep on.”

As the day continued, all of the families we delivered to remarked about the wrap. They expressed their deep appreciation for the breadth of support in our community, in allowing us at Houses into Homes to continue to be able to do the work needed to help our neighbors and friends in-need find comfort and joy in their homes.

In sharing that good news, we again need your help! We have NO twin box springs in our warehouse, and are extremely low on mattresses, box springs, and bed frames of all sizes. We currently have ten adults and twenty children in need of beds delivered, and not enough beds to fulfill those needs. Please share the word with your local family, friends, neighbors and networks—we offer free pickups of donations, and you won’t miss our truck coming with its beautiful new wrap!

Lucy Barker